I have a website that I want to convert to mhtml format so how does this format works will it convert it to an offline webpage once after its conversation is complete or my guessing is will it convert it to a full offline webpage from HTML to mhtml format and one after when the webpage is fully converted I will easily be browsed offline with a HTML viewer or an offline HTML browser such as offline HTML viewer app for android or sites2go offline browser app for iOS which ever one that I can view my converted HTML file that I just recently download from the internet archive Wayback Machine.
Please let me know in the comments down below.
Could you please share the sample HTML file? We’ll convert it and evaluate the output.
Yes sure and one more question to make is interacting navigating and searching within the converted MHTML webpage is included.
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): HTMLAPP-771
OK thank you so how long would this ticket issue will last until you are looking forward to converting my webpage to mhtml format.
This ticket is still under investigation. Please note that all free app queries are assisted on first come first served basis.
However, we will notify you in case of any update.
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OK thanks for the help and I wanting to know that does the HTML to mhtml converter can do zipped HTML files placed in zip files.
We are also investigating this scenario. You’ll be notified in case of any update.
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