"errorMsg": "As a guest, you've reached today's limit for free operations."

Good day.
I use the 1D barcode generation service.
I am sending a request:

I get the answer:
“success”: false,
“errorMsg”: “As a guest, you’ve reached today’s limit for free operations.”

Please help to solve the problem


When we click on this link, we get image.png (5.9 KB).

I think this is due to the fact that a certain number of requests were made from one server. After that, the service blocked the ability to generate barcodes. The message reads: “As a guest, you’ve reached today’s limit for free operations.”
But I didn’t find in the API instructions how to make requests as a registered user and not as a guest
A link to the API instructions I used:

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): BARCODEAPP-755

Hello Yurii,

Thank you for using our service. I recommend you start using our cloud solution to make barcodes. We will soon stop offering free barcode making in our current app. Please keep this in mind if you rely on this for important tasks.

You can register on https://dashboard.aspose.cloud/
And use our cloud generator with following spec Aspose.Barcode Cloud - API References