"There was an exception with your file" - Conversion - 2022-03-07-23-18

I don’t know why this .pdf can’t be converted in .md, could someone help? I really need it. Thanks in advance

Request timeout
at words_apps.Controllers.api.ConversionController.LoadingError() in /source/words-apps/Controllers/api/ConversionController.cs:line 134
at words_apps.Controllers.api.ConversionController.Convert(Boolean useOcr, String locale) in /source/words-apps/Controllers/api/ConversionController.cs:line 75
files.zip (4.19 MB)

Thank you for your request.
We have reproduced the same issue and registered it in our tracker as APPS-407.
You will be notified via this forum thread as soon as this issue is resolved.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.