So I’m very glad to find a free online 3D file repair site like Aspose and it works in some instances but often times the repaired file will grow to over 2GBs in size and as you may know almost no CAD programs or slicing software can load a file of that size.
In the case where the repaired file is really small it also won’t load in other programs.
Is there a way to avoid or correct this ?
Thanks in advance,
Could you please share the problematic file and steps to reproduce the issue? You can also send a screencast/short video elaborating the steps.
Please also share the the app link that you are using and the steps to reproduce the issue.
I am using this online repair link: Online 3D model repair tool for free
I upload the file, select Repair now
I pick the repairs to be made and click Convert.
Thanks for sharing the details. We are investigating this scenario. Your investigation ticket ID is THREEDAPP-1379. You’ll be notified as there’s any update.