Please inform if you could fix it, because i can buy if it not working
Request timeout
at words_apps.Controllers.api.ConversionController.LoadingError() in /source/words-apps/Controllers/api/ConversionController.cs:line 134
at words_apps.Controllers.api.ConversionController.Convert(Boolean useOcr, String locale) in /source/words-apps/Controllers/api/ConversionController.cs:line 75 (3.24 MB)
Thank you for your request.
We have reproduced the same issue and registered it in our tracker as APPS-477.
You will be notified via this forum thread as soon as this issue is resolved.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
In order to speed up our analysis, please, specify the output format.
I’ve tried conversoin to several formats. It worked for PDF output The Golden Key-6.pdf (3.3 MB)
The application is completely free, so we are forced to limit the time it takes to complete one task. In your case our server can’t complete the task in the allotted time.