PDF to SVG Conversion issue - Picture is dark in Web View

While uploading the image to a Web based Portal, the image showing blur and Bark

Original Image:
image.png (12.2 KB)

SVG in page:
image.png (19.9 KB)


Could you please share the problematic PDF?

Below are the PDFs.
It was working fine since last 15 days.

PDF 2.pdf (370.6 KB)
PDF 1.pdf (377.7 KB)


We cannot reproduce this issue at our end. Please have a look at this SVG.zip (7.4 KB). Please try the web app again and let us know if issue persists.


The given SVG is working Fine. Thank you.
Can you please advise how you made it? which Converter.? so that I can follow the same for my other conversions.

image.png (18.2 KB)


Please upload your PDF (e.g. PDF 1.pdf) on PDF to SVG converter app. Save as SVG and press Convert button. Have a look at this output PDF+1.zip (7.4 KB).

thank you.
it’s stopped working the conversion ? pdf to svg.jpg (40.6 KB)


This issue is reproduced at our end for PDF2.pdf and we’ve logged it in our internal issue tracking system with ID PDFAPPS-1349. You’ll be notified in case of any update.

@Atir_Tahir Thank you.
Conversion not happening, and my work on stuck :innocent: :innocent:


This issue is already under investigation. We’ll notify you in case of any update.