Issue with redacting a generated PDF using Adobe

I can generate a PDF from an email message or a XLSX (using PdfFormat.v_1_7 format), when I edit that PDF in Acrobat I can redact the information and everything is fine.
If however that same PDF was generated as PdfFormat.PDF_A_3A I get the following error when I try to apply the redaction in Acrobat.
“Wrong type parameter supplied to PDS procedure”

If I try and convert the 3A file to a different format I still get the error, I’ve also tried the same with the RemovePdfaCompliance method and adding a page but still no luck.

So far the only way I can get redact to work is generate originally as v_1_7 or manually print the PDF using Microsoft Print to PDF.

I’m using C# and the latest versions of the nuget packages

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