Header styles not maintained after converting pdf to word


When I convert my PDF file to Word(docx) using Aspose.Words(v25.2.0), the header styles (h1, h2, h3, etc) are not maintained in the converted output docx file for most of the files I have tried. All the headings are marked as normal text instead.

The headings are correctly marked for these type of files(attached below) that have headings in blue color.
sunscreens-10p.pdf (93.9 KB)

For these types of files(attached below) where the heading text are in black color, it is converting as normal text in output docx file.
sample-2.pdf (163.8 KB)

I have tried Aspose.PDF(v25.2.0) as well and that doesn’t mark header styles for any of the files.
I have used Adobe online to convert the same files and it works as expected and applies the header styles well for all the files.

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