Generating barcode with the help of Aspose.PDF

I am generating barcode with the help of Aspose.PDF since 2 months but could not complete. Please help me.I shall highly obliged for this kindness.

1.its not taking page in graphics its only taking image in the graphics.
2.barcode image is not coming inside the rectangle.
3.Rectangle is not coming properly as per given coordinates and per barcode.

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Are you using our free web app or on-premises/back-end API for this?

We are using licensed version of Aspose.PDF. In our project we are using API in .NET Core.
We have tried by table to create dynamic barcode. But coordinates are not showing Barcode and Rectangle as per expected.
I have attached the sample of barcode which we need.
BarcodeTest.png (87.3 KB)

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