Flowchart Diagram issue

I’ve worked on my diagram for several days, and made major changes yesterday and clicked “Save Device”, I should’ve probably clicked just “Save” and also download a file itself, but it was too late and I was going to sleep. So, today I wanted to make other changes, but my diagram didn’t save changes from yesterday. It was just an older version, without an changes I made yesterday.
Is there any way to recover a new version of diagram?

You can check in the history records. The button is located next to ‘Arrange’ and is represented by a clock icon.
image.png (4.8 KB)
We don’t save files on the server; all files are stored in your browser. If your browser’s memory becomes full, you may encounter issues with saving.
We recommend deleting unnecessary historical versions of files or regularly clearing your browser cache (ensure that important files are saved locally, as this action will clear your history).

Sadly, there is only an old version of diagram in history records. Thank you for your response, but I guess, I just need to be more careful with saving my diagrams. Have a great day!

You’re welcome.