Aspose Wor for .Net editor very slow and there are issues

Aspose Wor for .Net editor very slow and there are issues:

  1. We are trying to upload a 2 MB word document to live demo , it is considerably slow and even any editing option on the uploaded document is very slow.

  2. We tried downloading sample code from GitHub - aspose-words/Aspose.Words-for-.NET: Aspose.Words for .NET examples, plugins and showcases , to run on local machine even that is very slow.

  3. Is this Editor is part of Aspose or it is open source free editor like Trumbowyg - A lightweight WYSIWYG editor by Alex-D / Alexandre Demode ?

  4. We need solution for online editor in our application which will be 2MB plus word document.

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Please share following details and we’ll assist you accordingly:

  • Are you interested in the back-end API (using that you could develop your own application) or the web application (that couldn’t be re-coded and stays as it is, except bug fixes)? Basically web application is also developed using back-end API
  • Share problematic Word file
  • No, it’s not a part of Aspose.Words API (API is totally UI-Independent). Yes, we used an open-source editor for this purpose