Aspose Bar Issue

Hi I am trying to read barcode from PDF through C# Code

for (int pageCount = 1; pageCount <= pdfDocument.Pages.Count; pageCount++)
//using (MemoryStream pageStream = new MemoryStream())
//Resolution resolution = new Resolution(300);
//JpegDevice jpegDevice = new JpegDevice(resolution, 100);
//jpegDevice.Process(pdfDocument.Pages[pageCount], pageStream);
MemoryStream pageStream = pdfDocument.Pages[pageCount].ConvertToPNGMemoryStream();
pageStream.Position = 0;
BarCodeReader barCodeReader = new BarCodeReader((Stream)pageStream, DecodeType.Pdf417, DecodeType.AllSupportedTypes);
foreach (BarCodeResult result in barCodeReader.FoundBarCodes)
var barcodetext=result.CodeText;

barcodes returning nothing for this documentā€¦ but when test online with that image it shows barcodeā€¦? can you please let me know what would be problem and how we can recognize 100% those barcodes through code?
Capture20.JPG (104.1 KB)
Segment 001 of Odd segment of ORL_20240220091643.pdf (26.7 KB)

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