Adding named destinations on a pdf

Hi there,

I have a requirement where I need to add named destinations to an existing pdf. I was able to use the following chunk of code that I found online to add the named destinations

private static void createPdfWithNamedDestinations()
Document pdf = new Document();
// Create document with 100 pages
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
Page page = pdf.Pages.Add();
page.AddStamp(new Aspose.Pdf.TextStamp("Page " + i));
// Named destinations for every page
pdf.NamedDestinations.Add(“Page” + i, new XYZExplicitDestination(i, 0, 600, 0.5));
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
// Create outlines (two outlines for every page)
OutlineItemCollection item1 = new OutlineItemCollection(pdf.Outlines);
item1.Destination = new NamedDestination(pdf, “Page” + i);
item1.Title = "Page " + i + “(1)”;

            OutlineItemCollection item2 = new OutlineItemCollection(pdf.Outlines);
            item2.Destination = new NamedDestination(pdf, "Page" + i);
            item2.Title = "Page  " + i + "(2)";
        // Let's update on of the named destinations
        pdf.NamedDestinations["Page5"] = new XYZExplicitDestination(5, 0, 100, 2);

However, the issue is, when I open the saved pdf on Adobe Acrobat, I don’t see any nameddestinations created on the named destinations tab.
Attached is the generated pdf from this sample code.result.pdf (16.1 KB)

Please help me figure out what I am doing wrong.

Rashmi Dahal

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